intelligence and Neural networks are appearing in ever increasing
numbers of real world applications and are making real money.
some banks have proven that the failure rate on loans approved
by neural networks is lower than those approved by some of their
best traditional methods. Also, some credit card companies are
using neural networks in their application screening process.
Neural networks (MFNNs and SOFMs) form the core of most commercial
data mining packages such as the SAS Enterprise Miner and
the IBM Intelligent Miner.
has become one of the biggest commercial applications of ANNs.
Caere Inc,
a leader in the market generated $55M in 1997 through OmniPage
product line.
list provides various applications using Artificial intelligence
in real world:
The Return of Artificial Intelligence |
Facebook, Amazon spur rebirth of industry after decades
of little corporate attention.
The artificial-intelligence industry, a field that conjures
up images of humanoid robots and self-aware computer systems,
is making a comeback at Silicon Valley companies like
Scaled Inference Inc.
was interest to invest from almost all of the investors
that I spoke to,” said Sercinoglu, who raised $13.6
million in funding for his venture in just five months
last year after spending 13 years on-and-off at Google
Inc. working on AI projects. “Many AI companies
have raised significant money without any product plans.”
| |
Robot Journalist Finds New Work on Wall Street |
that was first put to work writing news reports has now
found another career option: drafting reports for financial
giants and U.S. intelligence agencies.
The writing
software, called Quill, was developed by Narrative Science,
a Chicago company set up in 2010 to commercialize technology
developed at Northwestern University that turns numerical
data into a written story. It wasn’t long before
Quill was being used to report on baseball games for TV
and online sports outlets, and company earnings statements
for clients such as Forbes.
| |
Software Designs Products by Simulating Evolution |
that can “evolve” novel component designs
could help designers and engineers by automating part
of the creative process.
developed the computer-aided design software, called Dreamcatcher,
over the past seven years. The California-based company
already makes 3-D software that’s widely used in
architecture, engineering, animation, and other industries.
But Dreamcatcher takes a novel approach known as “generative
design.” Among several approaches, it uses algorithms
that mimic the process of evolution to produce new designs
after starting with a list of parameters chosen by the
| |
The first AI platform that designs Websites |
Grid harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to
take everything you throw at it - videos, images, text,
urls and more - and automatically shape them into a custom
website unique to you. As your needs grow, it evolves
with you, effortlessly adapting to your needs. Want to
add e-commerce? Social feeds? A different layout? The
Grid just takes care of it. This is not a website builder.
This is your personal AI web developer. Its first masterpiece
is the website you're looking at right now. Its next one
could be yours.
algorithms expertly analyze your media and apply color
palettes that keep your messaging consistent and unique.
The Grid also detects color contrasts, automatically adjusting
typography color to maximize legibility.
| |
OpenBCI: An Open Source Brain-Computer Interface For Makers |
A customizable and fully open brain-computer interface platform that gives you access to high-quality brain wave data at about $300 ?!
OpenBCI is a versatile and affordable 8-channel EEG signal capture platform built around Texas Instrument’s ADS1299 Analog Front End IC. We designed it to give you access to high-quality, raw EEG data with minimal power consumption. OpenBCI is compatible with any type of electrode (active or passive) and can interface nearly all modern electronics prototyping platforms such as Arduino. OpenBCI is supported by an ever-growing, open-source software framework of signal processing and data analysis algorithms. With this fully customizable EEG data capture system, the data is yours. Join the OpenBCI community and let’s see what we can discover together!
(See also the Kickstarter Project
| |
Artificial Intelligence On Mobile Is Quickly Becoming A Reality |
The movie Her, directed by Spike Jonze, envisions a future in which operating systems have evolved to learn from our behaviors and proactively look out for our best interests every day. They're our personal assistants, but they've become nuanced to the point that we have no problem calling them our friends. And when a person says they're in love with their operating system, it's not particularly weird.
The star of Her is OS1, a new operating system that, when you first launch it, creates a unique persona to best accommodate its user's personality and communication needs. For the film's lonely protagonist, OS1 takes on the name "Samantha" and acts as a personal assistant to control connected technologies like computers, smartphones and TVs. Voiced by Scarlett Johansson, she is also the most human-sounding non-human ever built.
Samantha talks and responds naturally like a human, but she can also "like" things like colors, faces and stories. She can "see" her surroundings via webcam, laugh at jokes, make her own jokes, and even exhibit feelings of joy and sadness. She can also recognize and analyze patterns in its owner's recreational habits, relationships and career, and offer beneficial advice without the user needing to ask for it—just like a friend would.
Read on ... | |
Google buys Quantum Computer for Artificial Intelligence
lab at NASA |
and a corporation associated with NASA are forming a laboratory
to study artificial intelligence by means of computers
that use the unusual properties of quantum physics. Their
quantum computer, which performs complex calculations
thousands of times faster than existing supercomputers,
is expected to be in active use in the third quarter of
this year.
Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab, as the entity is
called, will focus on machine learning, which is the way
computers take note of patterns of information to improve
their outputs. Personalized Internet search and predictions
of traffic congestion based on GPS data are examples of
machine learning. The field is particularly important
for things like facial or voice recognition, biological
behavior, or the management of very large and complex
systems. | |
Google uses Artificial Neural Network to improve speech
recognition |
Google unveiled its artificial intelligence software this
summer that could recognize faces of cats, people and
other things by training on YouTube videos. The technology
is now being used to improve the results for Google’s
products, such as speech recognition for Google Voice.
Google’s neural network, which processes data similar
to the way the brain works and learns, is based on simulating
groups of connected brain cells that communicate with
each other. When it absorbs data, the neural network becomes
better at processing it and recognizing relationships
among the data. That’s what we call learning.
Vincent Vanhoucke, leader of Google’s search recognition
efforts, told Technology Review that results have been
improved 20 percent to 25 percent for speech recognition.
Other Google products could benefit too.
| |
Artificial intelligence Identifies diseases in citrus |
The fight of producers in the region against diseases
in citrus is intense. The attention is mainly focused
in three diseases that the European Union considers to
be cases worthy of quarantine: scabies, cancrosis and
Dark Spot. A single fruit infected and exported can cause
a whole shipment to be refused. And the ones able to identify
those diseases are few.
the story is about to end, since new advances in artificial
intelligence are reaching the citrus sector. Soon a photo
will be enough, when sent to a system that can detected
if the fruit is infected or not. This is the result of
work carried out by experts at the Investigation Group
for Signs and Computational Intelligence from the School
of Engineering and Hydric Science in the National University
of the Coast and CONICET.
| |
A heating system with ANN brain allowing for savings of
up to 65% on fuel. |
Researchers at EPFL have developed a system that manages
multiple parameters and learns what is best for your house
by imitating the most complex computer in the world –
your brain. The technology has spun off into a new start-up
called Neurobat.
The Neurobat regulator has already been installed in several
test buildings, among which are one at CSEM, and one in
a private villa. Various tests have shown savings in fuel
up to 65%, which suggests that savings of around 50% are
envisageable in an average building.
| |
NASA is using ANN on the spaceship to Mars for managing
Green factories! |
It may seem strange to think of the first manned spaceship
to Mars as a flying farm. But consider how difficult it
would be to carry all the food a crew would need for what
might be a three-year round-trip voyage. Much better to
grow your food as you go. AEMC (Advanced Environmental
Monitoring and Control) Bioregenerative Life Support project
at NASA is using Neural Network to control the on board
green machine and keep it humming at peak efficiency.

| |
Predicting serious drug side effects before they occur |
All medications have side-effects from common aspirin
to herbal remedies and from standard anticancer drugs
to experimental immunosuppressants. However, predicting
important side effects, serious adverse drug reactions,
ADRs, is with current understanding almost impossible.
However, a neural network technology trained with past
data could give drug companies and healthcare workers
a new tool to spot the potential for ADRs with any given
Writing in the International Journal of Medical Engineering
and Informatics, at team from the University of Medicine
and Dentistry of New Jersey, has developed a new model
that tests show is 99.87 percent accurate in predicting
adverse drug reactions among 10,000 observations for ADRs.
| |
Identification of the risk for liver fibrosis on CHB patients
using an ANN |
fibrosis progression is commonly found in patients with
CHB. Liver biopsy is a gold standard for identifying the
extent of liver fibrosis, but has many draw-backs. It
is essential to construct a noninvasive model to predict
the levels of risk for liver fibrosis.
chronic hepatitis B patients with HBsAg-positive were
investigated retrospectively, and divided at random into
2 subsets with twice as many patients in the training
set as in the validation set; 116 additional patients
were consequently enrolled in the study as the testing
set. A three-layer artificial neural network was developed
using a Bayesian learning algorithm. Sensitivity and ROC
analysis were performed to explain the importance of input
variables and the performance of the neural network. | |
An EMR system that learns from the physician using it |
Electronic Medical Records Announces New Version 5 With
Breakthrough in EHR Documentation. Based on a unique technology
called 'Concept Processing,' an intelligent neural network,
Praxis EMR becomes progressively faster and smarter by
learning from the physician using it. Physicians using
Praxis 5 with Datum can chart rapidly with complete freedom
while also producing discrete data required by third parties.
| |
ANN aid in diagnosis of heart infection |
at the Mayo Clinic employed Artificial neural networks
technique to assist in the diagnosis of a heart infection,
endocarditis, related to implanted devices such as pacemakers.
If left unchecked, such an infection can be fatal, and
treatment is no certain cure. Under normal conditions,
this disease has to be confirmed via an invasive surgical
procedure, but the ANN allowed them to rule out endocarditis
in cases of unknown diagnosis. | |
A Neural Net That Diagnoses Epilepsy |
Nobody has automated the process of diagnosing epilepsy
from ordinary EEG data--until now. Around 50 million people
suffer from epilepsy--about 1 percent of the world's population,
say Forrest Sheng Bao at Texas Tech University, in Lubbock,
and a few pals. Bao and colleagues have come up with a
system that may have a dramatic impact. Various groups
have attempted to automate the process of epilepsy diagnosis
using pattern recognition programs to spot the characteristic
signature of the condition in EEG data. But these all
depend on the EEG-video data that is so hard to get. | |
JavaScript-Based Neural Net Solves CAPTCHA |
A GreaseMonkey userscript is able to solve simple CAPTCHA
by using a purely JavaScript-based neural network implementation
The intriguing piece of code runs locally and has been
written by Shaun Friedle to subvert the CAPTCHA check
of the Megaupload service.
An artificial neural network is a computational model
used to analyze behavior in computational science. As
opposed to a linear model, this one implies interconnected
data processing artificial “neurons,” which
establish relationships between input and output, and
determine patterns.
is a powerful extension for Mozilla Firefox. It allows
users to create local scripts written in JavaScript in
order to alter the appearance and functionality of the
web pages rendered within the browser. Common uses include
blocking ads or certain unnecessary page elements from
being displayed, thus resulting in a more resource-friendly
and clean browsing experience.
| |
NeuralCode to facilitates technical trading using neural
networks |
As industrial-grade Artificial Neural Networks implementation
for financial prediction, NeuralCode utilizes Supervised
Learning with Multi-Layer Perceptrons and Optimized Back
Propagation for complex learning. It uses historical data
for predicting or uncovering trends and patterns. Inputs
are fed into network with adjustable weights. When output
is produced, it is compared with targeted output. | |
Semantic Search company Quintura is using neural network
for visual-based search |
Quintura has developed
a hosted site search platform built to provide intuitive,
visual-based search and navigation for site visitors.
Using a dynamic tag cloud to search deeper into an area,
Quintura hopes to engage users in “site search far
more than ever before, resulting in additional page-views
and click-throughs.” Such a notion will be appealing
to web publishers who can add Quintura’s hosted
solution for free.
| | using AI for Job Search |
In order to find the right candidate, Artificial Intelligence
(AI) search is being utilized by,
an online recruitment agency. AI builds analytical and predictive
models on candidates’ profile. Once a resume enters
the AI database, AI searches the apt candidates’ profile
based on pattern search and match and delivers 95% accurate
results. AI segments a particular candidate’s resume
based on specific criteria which makes the retrieval process
quicker during search. Predictive technologies are used
to score the candidate most compatible for the job. | |
Artificial Intelligence System - 100 Billion Neurons and
Beyond |
Intelligence Realm Inc. has recently completed a simulation
of 100 billion neurons, the estimated size of the human
brain. The simulation used distributed computing and involved
over 4000 computers, 3000 volunteers, 10000 processors,
180 TB of data and lasted for a couple of months.
was the first simulation that bypassed the 100 billion level
and used database files to store the data. The simulation
is one of the first steps in a long-term project that is
aiming to build a large-scale artificial intelligence by
reverse engineering the brain. | |
Kamatoz PassMonster 2.30, Strong encryption passwords storing
and management suite |
Kamatoz.Computing announced version 2.30 of its multi-functional
passwords storing and management software suite using Neural
Networks. PassMonster is a feature packed passwords management
software that offers strong 256 bit passwords data encryption
never seen before in passwords management software as well
as totally customizable skinable interface layout adding
a touch of style. PassMonster is intended both for individuals
and enterprises who would like to safely store the increasing
number of passwords, pin-codes, serial numbers etc. | |
Machine-vision MLP from MVTec |
MVTec has introduced version 3.0 of its ActivVisionTools
machine-vision software, based on the company's HALCON machine-vision
library. ActivVisionTools includes ActivOCR, a multilayer
perceptron (neural network) classifier that supports many
ready-to-use fonts found in industrial applications - such
as dot-matrix prints and prints on metal surfaces - as well
as common document fonts. ActivOCR has been trained to recognize
more than 1 million characters, including 460,000 handwritten
characters collected worldwide and spanning many cultures | |
Network for Gene Expression |
The demand for biomarkers continues to rise, as does the
number of vendors providing tools for this field. As one
Selection provides computational tools using neural
networks for gene expression analysis. | |
Network-Based Face Detection |
a neural network-based upright frontal face detection system.
A retinally connected neural network examines small windows
of an image, and decides whether each window contains a face.
The system arbitrates between multiple networks to improve performance
over a single network. | |
Mouse Pet Toy modeled on the neural network |
The Cat Attack, a pet toy for Cats, uses the latest research
in chaos theory and complex systems to emulate the movements
and personality of a cat's favorite prey. 'virtual mouse' technology
utilizes algorithms based on a six-dimensional coupled (map)
system modeled on the neural network of a real mouse. | |
using ANN to log and monitor vehicle identification number for
the Nissan plant |
Using template matching and neural-network software IVS have
engineered an automated system to log and monitor car-frame
VIN (vehicle identification number) numbers for the Nissan plant
in Sunderland. The numbers provide a unique vehicle reference
for tracking of service records and stolen vehicles. | |
using ANN in WiFi packet sizing |
Smooth real-time data delivery for demanding applications such
as digital video has been a thorny problem for broadcast over
IP networks due to the high variability of network traffic conditions.
The packet sizing problem in IP networks is getting a new twist
from non-linear neural network theory developed at SmartPackets,
Inc. | |
Web Filter |
SurfControl Web and Email Filtering system uses neural network
technology to classify URL & Email content and block the
traffic based on easily customisable rules. | |
Express (Mission to Mars) |
Mars Express is equipped with an identification system based
on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), which enables fast and
precise mineral identification from the parameters. The program,
written in C++ language, models a learning vector quantization
(LVQ) network. | |
Systems |
Mitek Systems is a premier provider of check imaging software
and check fraud protection solutions for the banking industry.
Mitek develops recognition technology using advanced neural
networking techniques and deploys this expertise in fraud prevention,
check, financial document and forms processing applications.
| |
Isaac |
Fair Isaac Corporation (NYSE:FIC) is the preeminent provider
of creative analytics that unlock value for people, businesses
and industries. The company's predictive modeling, decision
analysis, intelligence management, decision management systems
are utilizing Neural Networks. | |
InvoicePack |
Captiva Software provides input management solutions that optimize
the processing of information across the enterprise. Neural
network technologies is used to extract critical data from invoices
and transfer that information to ERP, accounting and document
imaging systems. | |
Speech Recognition Solution |
Babel has developed a unique proprietary Speech Recognition
technology that is the outcome of combining Hidden Markov Models
and Artificial Neural Networks. This allows the Babel ASR systems
to achieve an outstanding level of recognition accuracy with
unequalled robustness to environmental noise and speech variabilities | |
DeepInsight |
DeepInsight is a predictive analytics and decision-support system
for stock market using Neural Networks | |
NeuroDriver |
The purpose of this project is to train an Artificial Neural
Network to control a vehicle around a racing track.
The track is defined by a few basic waypoints which are interpolated
using splines to create a smooth track.
The user drives the car around the track and the collected information
is used to train the neural network.
After the neural network is trained we let it control the vehicle. | |
Intrusion Protection, Psynapse Technologies |
In response to the growing recognition that better systems are
needed to ensure network security, Psynapse Technologies has
developed Checkmate Intrusion Protection System, a next-generation
smart-security product that sets a new standard for intrusion
protection technology. | |
process improvement by Semiconductors |
To find new ways for wafer process improvement based on the
analysis of large amounts of data, information processing with
artificial neural networks can be used. A specific type of network,
the self-organizing map (SOM), is the candidate. |
Details |
speech recognition chip, Sensory Inc. |
Sensory Inc. have used neural networks to create a speech recognition
chip, which is currently being used in Fisher}Price electronic
learning aids, and car security systems. | |
Robokoneko |
The artificial brain developed using CAM-Brain Machine is intended
to control the behaviors and locomotion of a quadruped kitten
robot that is called "Robokoneko" | | | is an experiment in artificial intelligence. The program
is very simple but its behavior is complex. Everything that
it knows and all questions that it asks were entered by people
playing this game. is a learning system; the more it
is played, the smarter it gets. | |
Update: 04/15/2011
© 2001-2011 Pejman Makhfi. All rights Reserved. |